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Showing posts from December, 2017

CDAC (C-CAT) exam Topics

For the CDAC  (C-CAT) exam you need to prepare for Section A: 1. English (around 20 questions will be there) -Reading comprehension (passage) -Prepositions (of,by,on,at,with etc) -Articles (a,an,the) -Antonyms -Synonyms 2. Aptitude (15 questions) Numbers HCF & LCM Average Age Percentage Profit loss Partnership Chain rule Time & work Pipe & cistern Time & distance Boat & streams Trains Calendar Simple Interest Compound interest Permutation combination Probability 3. Reasoning(15 questions) Sitting arrangements Series (number) Analogy Direction sense  Coding-decoding Blood relation Data sufficiency Syllogism Ranks Section B: C-Language( around 15 questions) Simple question based on Precedence table If else Loops Recursion Macro Pointer Storage classes Static variable concept Structure & union Find out the output type...