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Showing posts from February, 2018

Networking 4 - TCP/IP Model

To understand TCP/IP Model you need to understand some basics. Protocol  - A protocol is a set of rules that govern how systems communicate. For networking they govern how  data is transferred  from one system to another. Protocol Suite  -  A protocol suite is a collection of protocols that are designed to work together. Protocol Stacks -  It is possible to write a single protocol that takes data from one computer application and sends it to an application on another computer.- A Single stack Protocol The problem with this approach is that it very inflexible, as any changes require changing the entire application and protocol software. The approach used in networking is to create  layered protocol stacks . Each level of the stack  performs a particular function  and communicates with the levels above and below it. This layered arrangement is not confined to networking, and how it works is probably...

Networking 3 - OSI Model

To ensure worldwide data communication, systems must be developed which are compatible to communicate with each other ISO has developed a standard. ISO stands for  International organization of Standardization. OSI Model - This is called a model for  Open System Interconnection and is commonly known as OSI model. The ISO-OSI model is a seven layer architecture. It defines seven layers or levels in a complete communication system. Functions of Different Layers : Physical layer The Physical layer is also called as the Layer 1. Here are the basic functionalities of the Physical layer: ·          Responsible for electrical signals, light signal, radio signals etc. ·          Hardware layer of the OSI layer ·          Devices like repeater, hub, cables, ethernet work on this layer ·          Protocol...

Networking 2 - Network Topologies

Topology is how do we connect devices (arrangement of network) with nodes and connection wire. Bus Topology - Every device connected with one main line called the bus. Star Topology - In star there is one central server to which all the devices are directly connected. Star Topology Ring Topology - In Ring topology devices are connected in closed loop, one device is connected with another two devices, the Token Ring protocol is used here so the signal flows in only one direction. Mesh Topology - There are two ways to make mesh topology. 1. Full Mesh - Every device is directly connected to every another device. 2. Partial Mesh -  some devices are connected to all the others, and some are connected only to those other devices with which they exchange the most data. Tree Topology - It   uses two or more star networks connected together. The central computers of the star networks are connected to a main bus. Thus, a tree network is a bus network of st...

Networking 1 - Basics

What is a network ? is the first question comes in mind when you want to learn about networking. So a network is connection (it can be wired or wireless) between devices . The connection needs some structure means how devices will be connected so here cones the Topology . in this we need wires (cables)  for wired connections and access points for wireless connection. we do not make connection from only one device to another, there are lots of devices so to make proper connection we need network devices like switch, routers. Lets talk a bit about cables - S traight cable and Cross cable. Straight cable is used to connect dissimilar devices like switch to pc. And Cross cable is used to connect similar devices like pc to pc or switch to switch. For making any connection we need addresses so in networking we are having 3 types of addresses 1.MAC address - (48 bits) It is hardware address and given by manufacturer. 2.IP address - (32 bits IPv4) You can s...